STOP Losing Gold On The Trading Post!


There are many players in Guild Wars 2 who are currently losing gold by selling items on the trading post and they don’t even know it. How you ask? Just by scanning the trading post you will notice that more than 80% of items listed there are sold only for 1 copper above vendor price ….  Read More

Making Gold In Guild Wars 2 – Why?


You might ask yourself why will I need gold in Guild Wars 2? Like in most successful MMO Guild Wars 2 has a complex economy system. There are a lot of different gold sources from which you acquire gold and there are also gold sinks. the later ones are there to keep the economy in ….  Read More

Guild Wars 2 Gold Exploit


you played the second Guild Wars 2 Beta Stress Test you might have experienced a gold exploit that was occurring on the Trade Post. The Tradeing Post, which is the GW2 version of the Auction House, was having a glitch and every time you sold something it would duplicate the item and the amount of ….  Read More

How to ensure your account safe


Nowaday, there have more and more people play runescape , so it makes many people to level their account for the game requirement ,but it also have more and more hackers . During we do your order , we are not allow the customer to logon his account , because it has risk to his ….  Read More