The Tricks to master free-kicks in FIFA 15

For the most of you, free-kicks can be the hardest aspect of the game to master and we’re here to give you advice on the best tactics and tips to making them a breeze for the rest of the season. Any FK can take an age to master, and it doesn’t go without plenty of practice over time. There are specifically two different types of free-kicks to take that work the best, and we are going to run through them all with you.

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The Smashed Free-Kick
This method is where you’ll take the set-piece from literally just outside the penalty area, that’s approximately 20-25 yards out from the goal. You simply have to press and hold L1 (PlayStation) or LB (Xbox) and aim your target to where you want it to go, then press the left-stick upwards whilst the power gauge is going up. For the best results, try and reach the three quarter mark of power. This will make the shot far too much for any goalkeeper to save and it sometimes even goes in the back of the net off of the keeper now and again.

For tips on where to aim the ball, you should look for the space that’s not vacated by the keeper and that the wall has left for you to exploit. Try and find the shortest player in the wall, and then aim the free-kick so that it goes over him. If the FK is closer to the goal than the recommended 20-25 yards out, then you’ll need to completely ditch the L2/LB button and at the same time lower the power gauge too.

The Curved FK
If you are after free-kicks with a bit more showboating style and finesse, then we suggest that you go for the curling shot. These are most effective from the wider areas of the pitch, either from the left or right is doesn’t really matter. If you’re looking to curl the ball from the left side of the wall for example sake, then the first thing you must do is select a left-footed player to take on the challenge.

You’ll then want to aim left by about the width of two or three players outside of the post. This will ensure that you will hit that all-important corner of the net, and keep the ball away from the goalkeepers reach. It will only take about one and a half bars of the power gauge to nail this. If you go for more power, then the accuracy and curve of the FK will be compromised and the technique won’t work.

It’s also important to remember that you’ll need a player that possesses amazing curve in their stats, and reasonable power and FK accuracy. The last aspect to remember about the curled FK is to hold the left-stick right after the power gauge has stopped to help the ball curve into the corner and around the wall. For the right side, just simple do the opposite to the above advice.

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